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Language of Instruction
English is the primary language of instruction at ESF Wu Kai Sha International Kindergarten. Our teaching staff are highly experienced in supporting language development in young children, including all of our bilingual and multilingual learners. Current thinking recognises the importance of maintaining a child's home language and celebrating family traditions and culture. ESF Wu Kai Sha International Kindergarten acknowledges the importance of these aspects and encourages families to continue using their strongest language when communicating with their children at home. This approach helps preserve children's cultural identity and supports the overall language development process.
Chinese Culture & Language

At ESF Wu Kai Sha International Kindergarten, we provide a comprehensive language education that extends beyond English proficiency. Our children have the opportunity to learn Mandarin as an additional language, supported by our dedicated Chinese Teaching Team.

We believe language learning should be an enjoyable and meaningful experience for children. That's why our approach to Chinese instruction is built upon play and inquiry-based learning. Through interactive and engaging activities, we ensure that our young learners actively participate in their language acquisition journey.


Chinese language learning is seamlessly integrated into our units of inquiry, allowing children to make connections between their language skills and real-world contexts. As they explore various topics, they also learn about Chinese culture, traditions, and celebrations - a vital part of our curriculum. By immersing our students in the rich Chinese language and culture tapestry, we foster a deep understanding and appreciation for diversity. This holistic approach equips our young learners with valuable language skills, cultivates their global mindset, and prepares them to thrive in an interconnected world.

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